
广州市零售商业中心的居民消费时空行为及其机制 被引量:26

Spatio-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of consumer behavior in retailing centers:A case study of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province
摘要 居民消费行为的空间选择及其影响因素是地理学的重点关注领域,已有研究对行为中时间选择、时空关系及内在机制的研究相对缺乏。为揭示居民消费时空行为形成的影响因素以及各因素内在相互作用机制,基于2016年广州城市居民消费行为调查数据,分析消费者到大型商业中心内消费的时空特征,构建结构方程模型,探讨消费时空行为影响因素和作用机制。研究表明:居民在商业中心的消费行为存在明显的时空差异。在影响路径方面,消费者社会经济属性通过影响消费偏好导致消费时空行为的差异,商业空间属性既可以直接影响消费时空行为,也可以通过影响消费偏好而间接对其施加影响,消费偏好既可以直接影响消费时空行为,又是消费者社会经济属性和商业空间属性影响消费时空行为的中间变量。在显著性因素方面,年龄、家庭结构、在广州居住时间、就业状况、家庭月收入等消费者社会经济属性变量会显著影响消费时空行为,各个商业空间属性变量都在不同程度上影响消费行为在时间和空间上的差异,仅有出行交通方式、出行花费时间2个消费偏好变量会显著影响消费者消费时空间行为。本文结论可以加深对商业中心内消费时空行为影响因素及其作用机制的理解,并为商业网点规划调整、商业中心转型升级提供建议。 Although residents' spatial choice and its influencing factors of consumer behavior are traditional research topics in human geography. The existing literatures have paid little attention to temporal choice, decision-making process and the relationship between space and time. To reveal the spatio-temporal characteristics, influencing factors and their internal mechanism of interaction of consumer behavior, the spatio-temporal characteristics of consumer behavior in retailing centers have been analyzed based on Guangzhou residents' consumption survey data in 2016. An influencing factor structural equation modeling of consumer spatio-temporal behavior in Guangzhou retailing centers has been established to analyze their influencing factors and mechanism of consumer behavior, such as time, duration,travel distance and activity radius. The results are shown as follows.(1) There are obvious spatio-temporal differences in consumer behavior when residents are going to and in retailing centers.(2) By affecting consumer preferences, residents' social and economic attributes lead to the differences among consumers' spatial and temporal behavior. But residents' social and economic attributes do not affect consumers' assessment on commercial space attributes.Commercial space attributes can not only directly affect the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior, but also indirectly affect it by influencing consumer preferences. Consumer preference can directly affect the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior, and it can be the media of residents' social and economic attributes and commercial space attributes to influence the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior.(3) Among all residents' social and economic attributes, age, family structure, living time in Guangzhou, employment status, and family's month-earning significantly affect the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior. Every observed variable in commercial space attribute influences the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior to different degrees. Only two observed variables(travel traffic mode and travel time)in consumer preferences have significantly impacts on the consumers' spatial and temporal behavior. The conclusions of this paper can deepen the understanding of the influencing factors and mechanism of consumer behavior in retailing centers, give advice to local governments about commercial network planning and guide the transformation and upgrading of retailing center.
出处 《地理学报》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期603-617,共15页 Acta Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目(41522104) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(41531178) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(15lgjc24)~~
关键词 零售商业中心 消费行为 时空行为 结构方程模型 广州 retailing center consumer behavior spatial and temporal behavior SEM(structural equation model) Guangzhou
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