目的 :探讨皮肤烧创伤溃疡创面并发滴虫感染的病变特点与诊治方法。方法 :在对 3例病人局部病变作出临床初诊后 ,拭取溃疡分泌物进行国家卫生部推广的妇科白带涂片多项检查快速染色技术 (简称CTB技术 )检查。结果 :3例病人均确诊为滴虫感染 ,临床治愈两例。结论 :皮肤溃疡滴虫感染属皮肤性病新病种 。
Objective: To investigate the characteristics of the pathological changes and the methods for diagnosis and treatment of skin burn ulcer complicated by trichomonal infection. Method: 3 patients with skin ulcer had their local lesion area examined to get a preliminary diagnosis. The secretion from the ulcer area was further examined in detail using CTB technique. Results: All 3 cases had trichomonal infection and 2 cases were clinically cured. Conclusion: Trichomonal infection of skin ulcer is a new venereal disease not reported before in China.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers