
中国与东盟五国股票市场联动性分析 被引量:5

Interaction between China and ASEAN-5 Stock Markets
摘要 考虑到不断加强的中国与东盟间的经贸投资联系,研究了基于1999年8月31日至2016年12月31日中国与东盟五国股票市场的数据的联动性,结果发现上证综指与马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾、印度尼西亚、泰国股票指数之间均不存在协整关系。进一步建立两变量向量自回归模型,进行格兰杰因果、脉冲响应以及方差分解检验,发现上证指数与新加坡股指互为因果关系,与泰国和马来西亚股指存在单向的因果关系,而与菲律宾、印度尼西亚股指不存在格兰杰因果关系。 As China is showing a closer relationship with ASEAN countries,the interaction between China and ASEAN-5 stock markets has drawn lots of interests. Based on data between 1999-08-31 and 2016-12-31,this research finds no respective cointergration between China and Malaysia,Singapore,the Philippines,Indonesia,and Thailand. Furthermore,we set up a two-variable vector auto-regressive model to do Granger causality test,impulse response and variance decomposition analysis. There is a bidirectional Granger causality between China and Singapore,no Granger causality between China and the Philippines or Indonesia,but a unidirectional causal relationship between China and Thailand or Malaysia.
作者 毛薇 郝梦雨 MAO Wei a HAO Mengyu b(a. China-ASEAN Research Institut b. Business School, Guangxi University,Nanning 530004, Chin)
出处 《广西财经学院学报》 2017年第2期44-55,共12页 Journal of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学地区基金项目"国际视角下汇率与股价的关联机制研究"(71563003)
关键词 协整 股票市场 ASEAN-5 cointergration stock market ASEAN-5
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