解读工业数字射线成像用于焊接接头检测的最新国际标准ISO 17636(2):2013。强调高端数字RT的推行应以达到与常规胶片RT的等价性为前提。概述CR(计算机射线照相)与DDA(数字探测器阵列)两种数字RT法应用技能和特性评价及质量评定要领。意在为国内承压设备积极推行作为新常规的数字RT技术及完善相关行业标准,送及时雨。全文共分三部分:(1)总则;(2)检测技术:(3)参数选用和测评。本文为第二部分。
A recent international standard of industrial digital radiography IS() 17636(2):2013 is re- viewed. It is emphasized that the high-end digital radiography and the conventional film radiography shall achieve equivalence property as a base, outling application skills and evaluation essentials of performance and image quality for the two digital radiographic techniques: CR and DDA. The intention is to provide a useful reference to implement digital RT technologies as novel ones in the pressure-bearing equipment in- dustry and improve the relevant industry standards. The full text is composed of three parts: (1) General (3) Selection and determination of basic parameters. This rules and summary; (2) Inspection techniques; is the second section.
Nondestructive Testing Technology