
全可动射电天文望远镜的电磁干扰特征研究 被引量:7

On the interference characteristics of fully steerable radio telescope
摘要 全可动射电望远镜是一个包含主动面促动器机构、天线高功率驱动分系统、高灵敏接收终端、数据传输及控制分系统在内的复杂系统.系统内强弱电分系统的工作电平差异悬殊,内部不但存在相互的电磁干扰,同时系统工作时所产生的电磁发射信号及场站环境的各类电磁信号,都会对需要接收的微弱射电信号产生干扰,致使射电望远镜的电磁兼容性已成为研制及使用的关键技术.本文综述了国内外射电天文望远镜电磁兼容技术的研究进展,并从系统工程角度,对射电望远镜系统的电磁干扰特征进行了研究,确定了关键的控制要素,建立了干扰耦合矩阵,提出了基于电磁拓扑理论的射电望远镜系统电磁兼容的建模方法,为研究射电天文望远镜的电磁兼容技术奠定了基础. Fully steerable radio telescope is a complex system including actuators,antenna high power driving subsystem,high sensitive receiving terminal,data transmission and control subsystem.Because of the great difference in electrical level between strong electricity subsystem and weak electricity subsystem,the very weak celestial RF signals which need to be received will be interfered by the interactive electromagnetic interferences which exist in the system,the electromagnetic emission signals generated by devices in operation and the different electromagnetic signals of environment.The electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) of radio telescopes has become the key technology of the development of and the usage of systems.In this paper,the research progresses of EMC technology of the radio telescope are summarized.From the view of system engineering,the electromagnetic interference characteristics of radio telescope system are studied,the critical control factors are determined,and an interference coupling matrix is established.Based on the electromagnetic topology theory,the EMC modeling approach to radio telescope system is presented,which provides the theoretical bases for the EMC technology researches in radio telescopes.
出处 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期99-107,共9页 Scientia Sinica Physica,Mechanica & Astronomica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(编号:2015CB857103) 国家自然科学基金(编号:11473061 11103056)资助项目
关键词 射电望远镜 电磁兼容 干扰特征 电磁拓扑 radio telescope EMC interference characteristics electromagnetic topology
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