
西方读者视野中的残雪 被引量:2

Can Xue in Western Readers 'Horizon
摘要 欧美国家对残雪作品的翻译始于20世纪80年代末,由于其作品独特的创作风格和精神风貌,受到西方读者的高度关注。西方对残雪作品的译介持续至今并达到高潮,呈现出译介数量多、持续时间长、译介载体权威性和学术性强、译介效果明显等特点。残雪作品之所以获得西方文学界的广泛认可,既是其作品与西方视域相契合的结果,也是西方关注中国社会现实的需要、译介主体熟知中西文化与语言、作者本人重视国际交流的结果。追溯残雪作品在西方的译介历程,其作品在西方的发展经历了开端、发展和鼎盛三个阶段,分析各阶段的译介特点,探求残雪在西方受关注的原因,既可以为中国文学的西渐提供借鉴,也可以为观察西方读者对中国文学的心理期待提供启示。 The translation of Can Xue' s works began in the late 1980' s in European and American countries, and they have been gaining western readers' high attention due to their unique style and spirit. The translation and reception of her works in western countries has been developing, and it reaches its climax in the modem era. It appears some characteristics in the translation, such as large quantity, long duration, authoritative and academic carrier, obvious effects and so on. The works of Can Xue have been receiving widely recognition in western literary world as the result of following reasons: her works correspond to western horizon; the West concern China social reality; translators master the culture and languages of Chinese and western; the writer attach importance to international communication. Tracing the translation and reception of Can Xue' s work in the West, it is divided into three periods as beginning, development and prosperity, then the paper analyses the features of each period and explores the specific causes for that influence. It is hoped that the present research can provide the reference for eastern literature introduced to the West expectation on western readers. and shed some light on observation of psychological
作者 刘堃
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期185-191,共7页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会2017年度课题阶段性研究成果"跨文化视阈下新时期先锋小说在美国的译介研究"(项目编号:WX166)的阶段性成果
关键词 残雪 英译 西方文学界 译介 Can Xue English Translation Western Literary World Translation and Reception
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