This paper analyzes the context validity of the reading section in Test for Business English Majors Band 4 (TBEM4) of China, the Business English Certificates (BEC) and Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) within Weir's (2005) social-cognitive validity framework. The study approaches context validity from the perspective of task setting, which is investigated from 7 dimensions : response method, weighting, knowledge of criteria, order of items, channel of presentation, text length, and time constraints. It finds that the reading part of TBEM4 has good context validity, as 1 ) there are diverse presentation channels (charts and texts coexist) ; 2) the computer-based test (CBT) controls well the time limit for each reading task; 3 ) the texts are from real business scenarios, consistent with the nature of the examination and the characteristics of the candidates. However, there are also shortcomings, for example : 1 ) the response method is limited ( only multiple-choice questions) ; 2 ) it only uses equal weighting ; 3 ) the order of items is inconsistent with the order in which the answers are found in the text. Focusing on the above shortcomings, this paper provides a series of recommendations on how to improve TBEM4.
Foreign Language Testing and Teaching