

Reliability Estimation of Small Sample Engine Fuel Regulator
摘要 文章针对小样本发动机燃油调节器在研制期间的失效情况,对两台发动机燃油调节器的数据情况进行了分析,采用Cramer-Von Mises检验法,得出该试验数据可以用AMSAA模型,并且通过假设检验得出了这两台调节器是同型产品,最后得出了可靠性指标MTBF(平均无故障工作时间)的近似无偏估计。 In this paper, the failure of the fuel regulator for small sample engine during development, the two engine fuel regulating device data were analyzed and the Cramer - Von Mises test method, drawn from the test data can be used AMSAA model and through the hypothesis test that the two regulator is the same type of product,and finally come to the conclusion that reliability MTBF( Mean time to failure) approximate unbiased estimates. Provides scientific theoretical basis for actually solving the problem of reliability assessment of products.
作者 胡俊梅 高妮
出处 《忻州师范学院学报》 2017年第2期24-26,共3页 Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University
基金 忻州师范学院院级青年基金资助项目(QN201520)
关键词 发动机燃油调节器 AMSAA异步纠正模型 Cramer-Von Mises检验法 engine fuel regulator AMSAA asynchronous correction model Cramer- Von Mises test method
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