目的了解农村居民年度门诊服务利用量的聚集性,明确高门诊服务利用人群的特征。方法抽取2012—2014年麻城市新农合居民门诊服务利用数据,采用Excel2010对数据进行筛选合并、SPSS22.0对数据进行分析。结果农村居民门诊服务利用率为52.57%,人均门诊量为3.9次;其中43%左右的患者利用了81.7%的门诊服务;2012—2014年,麻城市农村居民卫生服务利用基尼系数分别为0.532、0.533、0.527;在个体因素对门诊服务利用影响中,高门诊服务利用占比最高的因素为女性(5.3%)、老年人(8.6%)、平原地形(7.1%)、省道穿过地区(7.2%)、家庭住址距离医疗机构10 km内(5.4%)、家庭规模为1~2人(6.8%)。结论农村居民门诊服务利用量聚集性高,农村居民门诊服务利用聚集性受居民人群特征、地理交通条件、医疗服务质量等因素影响,提高居民健康意识、医疗服务质量与可及性是改善农村居民门诊服务利用聚集性的有效途径。
Objective To understand the clustering feature of rural residents’ annual outpatient service utilization, and to find out the characteristics of outpatients who make highly use of outpatient services. Methods Data concerning residents’ outpatient utilization in Ma Chen in 2012-2014 were selected from the New Rural Cooperative Medical System. Excel 2010 were used to sort and merge the date. SPSS20.0 were used to perform a single factor analysis. Result Rural resedents’ outpatient services utilization was 52.57 percent. The average use of outpatient service is 3.9 times per rural resident, among whom 43 more or less patients make the use of 81.7 percent of outpatient services. The Health services utilization index of Ma Chen in 2012-2014 were 0.532, 0.533, 0.527 respectively. Among the individual factors influencing outpatient services, those marks the higher utilization were women(5.3%), the elderly(8.6%), plain terrain(7.1%), highway through the area(7.2%), home address within 10km from the medical institution(5.4%)as well as household size of 1 to 2 people(6.8%). Conclusion Outpatient service utilization of rural residents characterize high clustering feature. The clustering feature of rural health service utilization is influenced by resident population characteristics, geographical traffic conditions, the quality of medical services, and other factors. Effective ways to improve the clustering features of utilization of rural clinics service involve improving the residents’ awareness of health, the quality and access of care.
Chinese Hospital Management
rural resident, outpatient service utilization, clustering