
线下推荐对我国消费者网络购买意愿的影响——基于关系强度理论 被引量:3

The Effects of Offline Recommendation on Chinese Consumers' Online Purchase Intentions:Based on Tie Strength Theory
摘要 文章基于关系强度理论分析了推荐对消费者涉入以及消费者购买意愿的影响。同时,文章检验了消费者涉入的中介效应和关系强度的调节效应。通过问卷调查以及结构方程模型的方法对收集到的249份样本数据进行分析。研究表明:推荐积极正向影响消费者的涉入;消费者涉入积极正向影响消费者的购买意愿;消费者涉入在推荐与消费者购物意愿之间起部分中介效应;关系强度负向调节推荐与消费者涉入的关系。 Based on tie strength theory, this study investigates the effects of recommendation on consumers' in- volvement as well as consumers' online purchase intentions. Meanwhile, the moderating role of tie strength and the mediating role of consumers' involvement are examined. This paper adopts the questionnaire and struc- tural equation model, and analyzes 249 sampes of data collected from soujump, com. Results show that recom- mendation has positive effects on consumers' involvement, and consumers' involvement has positive effects on consumers' online purchase intentions. Consumers' involvement plays a partial mediating role between recom- mendation and consumers' online purchase intentions, and tie strength negatively moderates the relationship between recommendation and consumers' involvement.
作者 张新 马良
出处 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第2期15-20,共6页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重点项目:"我国区域产品质量影响因素分析及监管对策研究"(13AGL012) 国家自然科学基金项目:"网络购物平台商品质量管控作用机理及其演进研究"(71472111) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目:"信息化与工业化融合机理 测度与路径选择研究"(13YJA790153)
关键词 推荐 涉入度 关系强度 购买意愿 . recommendation involvement tie strength purchase intention
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