目的 探讨间期核荧光原位杂交 (FISH)检测支气管镜刷取细胞染色体异倍体和将其应用于肺癌早期诊断的可行性。方法 选取 7、8、9和 1 2号染色体特异着丝粒探针 ,用FISH技术检测1 4例肺癌患者支气管镜刷取细胞中上述染色体异倍体。结果 在细胞诊断为癌或可疑癌细胞的 7例中均发现染色体异倍体 ,主要特征为 7、8和 1 2号染色体增多及 9号染色体丢失 ;而在细胞学未发现恶性证据的 7例中 ,有 3例存在 7、8和 9号染色体异倍体。结论 间期核FISH可以检测出支气管刷取细胞中染色体异倍体 ,在传统细胞学诊断标准下不能定为恶性的细胞中发现染色体异倍体 。
Objective To study the feasibility of interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in detection of chromosomal aneuploidy in bronchoscopically gained cells from lung cancer patients and early diagnosis of lung cancer. Method Cells gained from endobronchial brushings of 14 patients with lung cancer were examined by FISH with chromosomes 7,8,9 and 12 specific centromere probes. Result Aneuploidy, mainly featured in gains of chromosomes 7,8 and 12 and loss of chromosome 9 were observed in all of the 7 cases with cells from endobronchial brushings diagnosed as or suspicious of cancer cells by cytology. Aneuploidies of chromosomes 7, 8, and 9 were found in 3 of other 7 cases that appeared to be normal by cytologic criteria. Conclusion Interphase FISH is feasible in detecting aneuploidy associated with malignancy in bronchoscopically gained cells that do not meet the criteia of malignancy by conventional cytologic study. This method may be applied to early diagnosis of lung cancer.
National Medical Journal of China
国家重点基础研究 ( 973)规划基金资助项目(G19980 512 0 7)