
上海市输入性疟疾临床流行病学特征分析 被引量:21

Clinical epidemiological analysis of imported malaria in Shanghai
摘要 目的评估上海地区输入性疟疾流行病学特征及重症疟疾的危险因素。方法回顾性收集2013-2015年收治于上海市公共卫生临床中心的输入性疟疾病例资料,分析人口学、流行病学、实验室检查数据。组间比较采用Mann-Whitney法和Fisher’s精确检验,logistic回归分析危险因素评估。结果共收集输入性疟疾病例87例,平均发病年龄为36.4岁,男性82例(94.3%),女性5例(5.7%)。其中中国患者79例(90.8%),南苏丹3例(3.4%),印度2例(2.3%),喀麦隆、尼日利亚、布隆迪各1例(1.1%)。在75例能够明确感染来源地国家的病例中,感染来源地为非洲国家的多达63例(84.0%),其次为亚洲(11例,14.7%)。实验室确诊病例78例(89.7%),临床诊断病例9例(10.3%)。在实验室确诊病例中,感染恶性疟原虫(Plasmodium falciparum)最多,为66例(84.6%),感染间日疟原虫(P.vivax)10例(12.8%)。20例(23.0%)患者既往有疟疾史。患者发病至住院的中位数时间为5 d,30例(34.5%)患者在发病后的48 h内服用抗疟疾药物。符合重症疟疾标准的18例,其中1例为脑型疟,17例总胆红素>43μmol/L,3例血清肌酐>265μmol/L。多因素logistic回归分析显示,发病后48 h内服用抗疟药是预测重症疟疾的独立的危险因子(OR=0.05,95%置信区间0.01~0.43,P<0.05)。结论恶性疟原虫是本市输入性疟疾病例感染的主要虫种,非洲是主要的感染来源地。发病后及时给予抗疟治疗可降低重症疟疾的发生风险。 Objective To evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of imported malaria and analyze the risk factors for severe malaria in Shanghai, China. Methods A retrospective review was made on imported malaria cases treated in Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center during 2013-2015, focusing on the demographic information, epidemiological data, and laboratory data. Comparisons between groups were made with Mann-Whitney test and Fisher?蒺s exact test, and risk factors were analyzed with multivariate logistic regression. Results Eighty-seven imported malaria cases (82 males and 5 females) were reviewed, with an average onset age of 36.4, comprising 79 Chinese (90.8%), 3 South Sudanese (3.4%), 2 Indians (2.3%), and one from each of Cameroon, Nigeria, and Burundi (1.1%). Seventy-five cases had a defined region of malaria source, with a dominance in African countries (63, 84.0%) and then in Asia (11, 14.7%). Seventy-eight (89.7%) were confirmed by laboratory tests while 9(10.3%) were clinically diagnosed. Among the laboratory confirmed cases, 89.7% were infected with Plasmodium falciparum and 10.3% with P. vivax. Twenty cases(23.0%) had a history of malaria infection. The median of duration from symptom onset to admission was 5 days and 30 (34.5%) patients received anti-malaria drug treatment within 48 hours after onset. Eighteen patients met the diagnostic criteria of severe malaria, of whom 1 showed cerebral malaria, 17 had serum total bilirubin elevating to 〉 43 μmol/L and 3 had a high serum creatinine level above 265 μmol/L. Multivariate logistic regression showed that medication within 48 h after onset was an independent risk factor for severe malaria (OR = 0.05, 95%CI 0.01-0.43, P〈0.05). Conclusion Plasmodium falciparum remains a major pathogen for imported malaria in Shanghai. Africa is the major region of malaria source. Timely medication after disease onset reduces the risk for sever malaria.
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期150-155,共6页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
关键词 输入性疟疾 流行病学特征 危险因素 重症疟疾 恶性疟原虫 Imported malaria Clinical epidemiology Risk factor Severe malaria Plasmodiumfalciparum
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