The painting The Discussion about Arts with the full name The Discussion about Arts by Yao Shifu of Tongcheng at Yangzhou was painted by Wu Jun of Jiangyin in the reign of Daoguang for Yao Ying, who was the salt controller of areas south and north of the Huai He River at that time. It depicts the scene of a discussion about learning and art made by Yao Ying and a group of his friends in the courtyard and both the figures and the background are painted in a delicate and elaborate style. It's mentioned in Yao's own postscript that the figures in the painting including Zhang Jiliang, Li Zhaoluo and Liu Baonan were all the celebrities of the academic circle in that age. The painting is extremely precious for it well records not only the portraits of these celebrities but also the scene of their scholastic activities. In addition, there are another seven inscriptions on the painting by the later celebrities such as Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Yan Fu and so on. It's mentioned repeatedly that the painting was created on the eve of the opium war, which shows the grave concern of the elite over the national crisis and their willing of national rejuvenation.
Journal of National Museum of China
the Discussion about Arts
Yao Ying
Wu Jun
Tongcheng School