
传导性聋人工听觉植入基础与临床进展 被引量:1

The basic study and clinical progress of auditory implants treatment of conductive hearing loss
摘要 传导性聋是指由于外耳和/或中耳的先天性或后天性疾病导致外界声波传至内耳过程障碍,从而引起听觉减退的一类疾病。传导性聋的主要病因从外耳道至内耳包括:(1)耳廓:先天性或后天性的耳廓畸形;(2)外耳道:外耳道堵塞、狭窄或闭锁,如先天性外耳道畸形狭窄和闭锁、肿瘤、异物、胆脂瘤等;(3)鼓膜病变:鼓膜穿孔、炎症、增厚、粘连等。 Summary In recent years, with the emergence and clinical application of a series of artificial auditory implan- tation technologies, surgically hard treated conductive hearing loss treatment has made great progress and develop- ment. In this paper, research progress of bone conduction implant aids and middle ear implant devices treatment of conductive hearing loss are reviewed.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第8期583-587,共5页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No:81570934)
关键词 听觉丧失 传导性 人工听觉 骨传导 人工中耳 hearing loss, conductive auditory implants bone conduction middle ear implant
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