Recently, active soft materials have attracted widespread attention in the flexible device manufacturing industry. As a typical active soft material, the dielectric elastomer, with two compliant e- lectrodes covering its upper and lower surfaces, constitutes the dielectric elastomer structure. Although the dielectric elastomer structure possesses excellent electromeehanical properties, various failures occur frequently when operating in the dynamic environment, which greatly hinders its extensive application. The dynamic stability of an ideal spherical dielectric elastomer balloon is investigated here, which is related to the phenomenon of electro-mechanical instability. Firstly, the governing differential equation with re- spect to the stretch ratio of the ideal spherical dielectric elastomer balloon is derived according to the princi- ple of virtual work. The free energy function is expressed as the summation of the dielectric energy and the elastic energy described by the Mooney-Rivlin model. Secondly, the relation between the peak value of sta tionary response and the step voltage/pressure is analytically derived through the first integral of system. The intersection point of the relation curve and the static equilibrium curve gives the critical voltage/pres- sure. The instability of the spherical dielectric elastomer balloon under different situations is discussed in detail. For any given voltage, there exists a threshold of material constant, below which the structure will remain stable forever. A similar threshold of material constant exists for any pressure with the value of nonzero. For the case with absent pressure, however, there exists a critical voltage, beyond which the structure will be dynamically instable. The influences of the imposed voltage/ pressure, material constant and pre-stretch on the critical state of the dynamic instability are investigated systematically. Pre-stretch will improve the dynamic stability of the spherical dielectric elastomer balloon. This work paves the way for the theoretical research on dynamic instability of soft material, and provides some guidance for the structural and functional design of soft sensors and actuators.
Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics