
服装生产企业缝纫一线员工技能评价 被引量:1

Evaluation of Skills of Garment Sewing Frontline Employees
摘要 服装生产企业缝纫一线员工的技能水平直接影响了服装产品的质量和生产效率。企业目前对员工的技能评价多以员工的日产量或生产效率为依据,结合班组长的主观评价来判定,经验性较强。基于RFID系统收集的生产数据对缝纫员工技能进行客观、量化评价,将反映缝纫一线员工技能水平的参数归纳为生产技能系数和生产一致性系数。总结出了RFID系统数据筛选、生产技能系数和生产一致性系数的计算方法,通过对两个系数进行加权相加得出员工技能水平系数。企业可根据自身生产模式进行权重的分配、员工技能的科学评价,为企业进一步发挥缝纫一线员工人力资源优势提供基础。 Skill levels of garment sewing frontline employees directly affect the quality and efficiency of clothing products. At present,enterprises mainly assess the skills of employees based on the daily outputs or daily efficiency, and combined with the subjective evaluation of team leader to determine the skill levels of employees, which is relative empirical. An objective and quantitative method to evaluate staff skills via production data collected from RFID system was introduced in this paper. The parameters affected the skill levels were departed into two parts : p r o d u c t i o n skills a n d p r o d u c t i o n consistency. A computing method about data selecting from RFID system, coefficient of production skills, and production consistency was summed. The skill levels of an employee could be obtained by weighted above two consistency. Enterprises can assign weights according to their own production models. Scientific evaluation of staff skills can provide basic informa-tion for human resources, of enterprises to further develop the sewing line employees.
出处 《服装学报》 CAS 2017年第2期117-122,共6页 Journal of Clothing Research
基金 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(15A540008)
关键词 一线员工 技能评价 一致性 稳定性 frontline staff, skills evaluation, consistency, stability
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