
磷脂微乳电动色谱的定量结构保留关系研究 被引量:3

Study on Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships of Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography Using Phospholipids as Surfactant
摘要 以大豆磷脂为主要的表面活性剂,制备适合毛细管电动色谱使用的不同构成比的微乳体系,应用溶剂化参数模型研究了中性溶质在其中的定量结构保留关系。使用动态涂层毛细管,以二甲基亚砜和十二烷基苯分别作为电渗流和微乳液滴迁移的标记物,测定了26个具有不同结构小分子中性化合物在17种微乳电动色谱体系下的保留因子,建立了线性溶剂化能量关系(LSER)方程。通过比较两体系的LSER方程系数比较体系相似性。结果表明,本研究建立的磷脂微乳电动色谱体系在线性溶剂化特征上和其它构成的微乳电动色谱体系相似。对溶质保留贡献较大的是溶质体积和有效氢键碱度,油相种类及浓度对溶质的保留选择性无明显影响。 Some new types of mi cr oemul sion u s ing p h o s p h o l ip id s a s th e m a in s u r f a c t a n t w e r e p r e p a r e d fo r electrokinetic chromatography and the quant i t at ive s t r u c t u r e - r e t e n t i o n r e l a t io n s h ip o f n e u t r a l s o lu t e s i n th e s e microemulsion electrokinetic chromatogr aphy (MEEKC ) s y s tems w a s s tu d i e d b y s o lv a t io n p a r am e t e r s m o d e l. By using dynamic coating capillary , and wi th d ime th y l s u l f o x id e ( D MS O ) a n d d o d e c y l b e n z e n e a s th e m a r k e r of electroosmotic flow and mi croemul sion dr opl et s , a to ta l o f 17 k in d s o f s t a b le m ic r o em u l s io n s c o n t a in in g soybean phospholipids or other surfact ant s we r e pr e pa r e d a n d th e l i n e a r s a lv a t io n e n e r g y r e l a t io n s h ip e q u a t io n s were developed for these MEEKC s ys tems wi th 26 sma l l n e u t r a l c o mp o u n d s. T h e c o e f f ic ie n t s o f l i n e a r s o lv a t io n energy relationship (LSER ) equat ions we r e us e d to e v a lu a t e th e s imi la r i ty o f tw o M E E K C s y s t em s. R e s u l t s indicated that LSER characteristics of phos phol ipids -MEEKC s y s tem s w e r e s im i l a r to th o s e o f o th e r microemulsion systems. The volume and hydr oge n bond b a s i c i ty o f s o lu te s w e r e m o s t ly c o n t r ib u t e d to th e retention in MEEKC . The di ff erent types a nd c o n c e n t r a t io n of oilphase had noevident in f lu e n c e o n th e retention .
出处 《分析化学》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期654-661,共8页 Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.81202501)资助~~
关键词 微乳电动色谱 大豆磷脂 保留因子 线性溶剂化能量关系 Microemulsion el ect rokinet i c c hr oma togr a phy S o y b e a n p h o s p h olipids Retention indice Linear solvation energy relationship
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