目的系统评价心可舒片治疗冠心病合并焦虑抑郁状态的临床疗效。方法计算机检索CNKI、CHKD、万方数据库、读秀中文学术搜索、PubMed自建库以来至2016年11月公开发表的与心可舒片治疗冠心病合并焦虑抑郁状态相关的随机对照试验(RCT),经质量评价最终纳入文献后,采用Review Manger 5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入18个研究,1篇为英文文献,其余为中文文献,Jadad评分1篇为2分,17篇为1分。Meta分析结果显示,心可舒片与对照比较,心可舒片可提高临床疗效,OR=4.69,95%CI[3.28,6.72],P<0.000 01;改善心电图,OR=2.69,95%CI[2.02,3.57],P<0.000 01;降低总胆固醇,WMD=-0.87,95%CI[-1.28,-0.47],P<0.000 1;降低低密度脂蛋白,WMD=-0.77,95%CI[-1.22,-0.32],P<0.001;提高高密度脂蛋白,OR=0.11,95%CI[0.05,0.17],P<0.001;改善焦虑症状,WMD=-12.53,95%CI[-13.68,-11.39],P<0.000 01;改善抑郁症状,WMD=-12.25,95%CI[-16.27,-8.23],P<0.01。结论心可舒片治疗冠心病合并焦虑抑郁状态可进一步提高临床疗效,改善心电图,降低总胆固醇,降低低密度脂蛋白,提高高密度脂蛋白,改善焦虑及抑郁症状。
Objective To systematically evaluate the efficacy of Xinkeshu tablet(XKST) in the treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD) with anxiety depression.Methods A computer search was performed using CNKi,CHKD,Wanfang,DuXiu and PubMed to i-dentify the randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of XKST in the treatment of CHD with anxiety depression patients published up to November 2016,and relevant journals were manually searched.The identified studies were finally selected after full text search and quality assessment and then subjected to meta analysis using Review Manager 5.3.Results A total of 18 RCTs were included in the meta analysis,one of them was carried from foreign literature and others were carried in China.Jadad score of 17 studies was 1, 1 studies were 2.The meta -analysis showed that the XKST group had a significantly higher of efficacy than the control group in terms of the clinical efficacy,OR = 4.69,95% CI [3 .2 8 ,6 .7 2 ], P 〈0.000 01,improve electrocardiogram,OR = 2.69,95%. CI [2.02,3.57], P 〈0.000 01,reduce the total cholesterol, WMD=- 0.8 7,95% CI [ - 1.28, - 0 .4 7 ], P 〈0.000 1,reduce low density lipoprotein, WMD =- 0.77,95%.CI [ - 1.22, - 0.32], P 〈0.001,increase high density lipoprotein,OR = 0.11, 95%. CI [0 .0 5 ,0 .1 7 ], P 〈0.001, improve the symptoms of anxiety, WMD=- 12.53,95%. CI [ - 13.68, - 11.39], P 〈0.000 01,improve the symptoms of depression, WMD =- 12.25,95% CI [ - 16.27, - 8.23], P 〈0.01.Conclusion XKST can significantly improve the clinical efficacy , i mprove elec-trocardiogram ,reduce the total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein’increase high density lipoprotein’improve the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease
coronary heart disease
Xinkeshu tablet
randomized controlled tr ial
me t ^ analysis
chest Bi syn-drome