
谈欧洲学者对国际术语标准化原则的重新审视 被引量:2

Comments on the Reexamination on the Principles of International Terminology Standardization in Europe
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,普通术语学作为一种传统理论愈来愈受到多方面的挑战,术语学作为一门独立的学科,有被理论蓬勃发展的专业词典编纂学或知识工程吸收掉的危险。"本体术语学"这一理论范式的出现,验证了维斯特普通术语学理论的科学性本质,也巩固了术语学作为一门独立学科存在的学科地位。罗什教授和他的研究小组对ISO 704和ISO 1087以及国际术语手册进行了科学性审视,为重新修订和完善国际术语标准并使其符合时代要求做出了贡献。文章旨在介绍其审视过程,为深入理解国际术语原则提供途径。 Since the 1990s,the General Theory of Terminology (GTT) has been facing more and more challenges. Terminology as an independent discipline is at the risk of being absorbed by vigorous developing theoretical paradigms appeared in the lexicography field or in knowledge engineering. In recent years,the emergence of a new terminology theoretical paradigm, Ontoterminology, has verified that reasonable and scientific elements of GTT, and also strengthened the status of Terminology as an independent discipline. Professor Roche and his team gave a scientific examination on the ISO 704 and ISO 1087 as well as on International Handbook of Ter-minology on the basis of "ontoterminology" ,which is a marvelous contribution to the development of Terminology. This paper aims to introduce this examination process, and tried to provide a way to understand the international terminology principles much better.
作者 邱碧华
出处 《中国科技术语》 2017年第2期11-16,共6页 CHINA TERMINOLOGY
关键词 国际术语标准 逻辑 知识论 知识本体 本体术语学 International Terminology Standards, logic,the theory of knowledge, ontology,ontoterminology
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