Biodiversity indices have been used for decades to analyze the stability of communities and assess envi- ronmental conditions. Studies, while limited, have shown that survey results of biological diversity are affected by the method used for sampling. Plankton is an important aspect of ecological research and the two conventional de- vices for plankton sampling are the plankton net and water sampler, but few reports are available about the effect of sampling method on plankton diversity measurements. In late June 2014, we carried out plankton surveys using the two sampling methods in Beitang estuary ( 117.81°E, 39.07°N) in the Tianjin sea area of northern China. The goals were to compare the effects of these two conventional sampling methods on the results of plankton diversity measurements and to provide a reference for ecological evaluation. Phytoplankton and zooplankton samples were collected, using plankton nets (type II for zooplankton and type III for phytoplankton) and water samplers, at the same location and time. The plankton samples were immediately fixed with formaldehyde in situ and later counted in the laboratory. A total of 34 phytoplankton species were identified, dominated by diatoms. Each method collect- ed 26 phytoplankton species, with the 18 species in common accounting for 52.9% of the total species. A total of 17 zooplankton species were collected, dominated by Copepods. Sixteen zooplankton species collected by plankton net and 11 species by water sample, with the 10 species in common accounting for 58.8% of the total species. In addition to the number of species (S) and abundance, eight biological indices, including three taxonomic distinct- ness indices and five traditional diversity indices ( Margalef richness, Pielou evenness, Shannon diversity, Simpson index and dominance) were compared in this study. Results show that the biodiversity indices and the plankton a- bundance are both influenced by sampling method. When a plankton net was used for phytoplankton sampling, the number of species and the Margalef richness, Pielou evenness, Shannon, and Simpson indices gave higher values, whereas the dominance and the taxonomic distinctness indices were lower. When a water sampler was used to col- lect zooplankton samples, the abundance and the Shannon, Pielou evenness, Simpson indices and the taxonomic distinctness (A) were higher, and the other indices were lower than the results obtained with the plankton net. Sta- tistical analysis (T-test) shows that differences resulting from the two sampling methods were significant for species number and Margalef richness index, but not for the other indices. Therefore, the effect of sampling method should be considered when using biodiversity indices to assess water quality and evaluate ecological conditions.
Journal of Hydroecology