
熔盐提拉法生长大尺寸KGW晶体及其拉曼特性研究 被引量:1

Growth and Raman Characteristics of Large Size KGW Crystal by TSSG Method
摘要 β-KGd(WO_4)_2(简称KGW)晶体是一种兼具激光基质和拉曼性能的优秀材料,受到了广泛的关注和研究。采用熔盐提拉法生长了尺寸>60 mm、质量>800 g的KGW晶体,光学均匀性为1.34×10^(-5)。在生长的晶体中,观察到了包裹体聚集层、空洞和开裂等较大尺寸缺陷,并探讨了原因。初步的激光实验实现了1151.3 nm拉曼激光输出,功率80 mW,拉曼频移为898.2 cm^(-1)。 β-KGd( WO4 )2 crystal attracts a lot of attention owing to its excellent properties for acting as both laser host and Raman gain medium. High optical-quality KGW crystals were grown by the TSSG (top-seeded solution-growth) method, with the size larger than 60 mm and the weight more than 800 g, and the optical homogeneity was measured to be 1.34× 10^-5. During the processes of crystal growth, several defects such as inclusions, holes and cracks were observed, and the formation reasons of them were discussed. Based on the grown KGW crystals, 1151.3 nm Raman laser was obtained with the power of 80 mW and Raman shift of 898.2 cm^-1.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期573-577,共5页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 国家自然科学基金(61675204 51472240) 福建省国际合作项目(2015I0007) 福建省自然科学基金(2016J01274 2015J05134)
关键词 KGW晶体 熔盐提拉法 晶体生长 拉曼激光 KGW crystal TSSG method crystal growth Raman laser
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