英国的职业教育情况与中国最为相似,早前学术浓厚,重学术、轻技术,在传统上较为不重视职业教 育.但是近年来,英国职业教育受新职业教育新思潮的影响迅速发展,贯穿始终的职业教育理念,将职业教育 渗透到学前教育阶段,让孩子们从小培养职业教育的意识,并将职业教育技能和兴趣培养贯彻到教育的各阶 段,强调“关键能力”培养,即交流、数字运用、信息处理、合作、改进自身行为和解决问题的能力,为修补技术创 新能力上的短板,从授课方式和就业制度上对职业教育进行大刀阔斧的改革,通过产学结合和工读交替的职 业教育培养模式,在实际运用中,强调应用性、实践性能力的培养,使学生不仅掌握专业知识与专业能力,更要 求学生有能将科学研究成果转化成产品的实际操作能力,这是世界上职业教育成功的几大范例之一,如今的 职教体系已成为该国提升人才竞争力的推动力量,形成以国家职业资格证书制度、核心能力培养和多元评价 方法为核心的培训机制,这些都对我国中职学校的珠宝专业的课程设置具有很大的启示作用,主要有五点:参 照英国的职业教育,我国可以将课程设置的权利下放到学校,让学校和老师来设置部分课程,并提早开设职业 技术教育课程;应缩小职业教育和社会需求的距离,课程设置要更加实用并有针对性,设置以工作过程为导向 的课程观;根据学生目前的认知规律,以任务为中心将专业知识展开,这样课程内容更加实用,学生的理论知 识和职业技能也更扎实;校企合作的实施模式,学生可以直接参与珠宝产品的生产、销售过程或者珠宝鉴定的 过程,迅速取得进步,学校与企业合作能确保学生学有所得,它是一个终身教育的过程;课程与证书相结合,珠 宝专业文凭证书和职业技能鉴定证书“双证”机制,学生既可以获得学校的毕业证,又可以通过考试和测评获 得技能鉴定证书,并突出了技能学习的要求,有利于学生的就业,促使职业学校提高质量.
British vocational education is similar to that of Chinese. In early time, vocational education got less attention than academic education. However, the British vocational devel-oped rapidly recent years because the new thoughts of new vocational education emerged. The lifelong educational conception makes children realize the importance of vocational edu-cation at preschool stage. Meanwhile, developing personal interests and learning work skills exist in the whole process of education. The vocational education emphasizes the develop-ment of "key abilities" which are the abilities of communicating, application of numbers, in-formation processing, cooperating, self-improvement, problem solving,etc. In order to en-hance innovation ability, vocational education was reformed by changing teaching methods and the employment system which combined learning and practicing and focused on training practical skills in real-world usage. Students could acquire professional skills and knowledge, with the ability to transform scientific research achievement into industrial products. British vocational education system is one of the successful examples in the world which has already become the country ^ s talent competitiveness force nowadays. It has formed National voca-tional qualification certificate system and training mechanism which focuses on core compe-tence and diverse evaluation methods. These educational methods offer great enlightenments on the arrangement of jewelry curriculum in secondary vocational school in China.There five viewpoints could be taken into account: (1) Based on the experience of British vocational education, schools or teachers could arrange and set up a part of profes-sional courses as soon as possible. (2) The curriculum should focus on working process so as to shorten the distance between education and practical application in society. (3) According to the learning ability and habit of different students, school should personalize target cour-ses to achieve an effective and efficient teaching model. (4) Student could participate in the process of producing, marketing and identifying jewelry by cooperating with corporations.(5) By applying two certifications mechanism which combines the degree of gemmology and vocational skills certification. Students could take up an occupation, and the school can en-hance the quality of education.
REN Min CAI Shanwu ZHAO Wei(Shenzhen Bolun Vocational And Technical Schools ,Shenzhen 518050, China)
Journal of Gems & Gemmology
vocational education
jewelry professional technical second-ary vocational school