
基于两水平Logistic回归模型大学生自我伤害行为相关因素分析 被引量:16

Influencing factors of self-injury behavior among undergraduates by two-level binary Logistic regression model
摘要 目的探讨大学生自我伤害(自伤)行为的相关危险因素。方法分层整群随机抽取武汉地区10所不同层次高校19 662名学生为调查对象,采用自伤行为问卷、情绪调节困难量表和艾克森人格量表,运用二分类Logistic回归模型和二分类两水平Logistic回归模型分析变量。结果大学生自伤行为检出率为1.8%,有自伤行为大学生在情绪调节困难和人格得分上均高于无自伤行为大学生(均有P<0.05)。二分类两水平Logistic回归模型结果显示在学校水平具有聚集性,性别、来源地、留守经历、情绪调节困难、人格量表得分是自伤行为的影响因素(均有P<0.05)。结论应注重培养大学生积极乐观的应对困难方式,发挥同伴教育的干预作用。 Objective To explore the influencing factors of self-injury behavior among undergraduates. Methods A total of 19 662 undergraduates were selected based on stratified random cluster sampling from 10 universities at various levels in Wuhan. Self-injurious behavior questionnaire,emotion adjustment difficulties scale and Eysenck personality questionnaire were conducted among subjects. Binary logistic regression and two-level binary logistic regression model were used to analyze the school-level factors influencing self-injury behavior incidence. Results The incidence of self-injurious behavior among undergraduates was 1. 8%. Scores on emotional adjustment difficulties and personality in self-injury group were higher than those in non self-injury group( all P〈0. 05). The self-injury behavior among undergraduates revealed an aggregation in university-level. The two-level binary logistic regression model showed that gender,origin of student,left-behind experience,emotion dysregulation and personality disorder were predictive factors for self-injurious behavior( all P〈0. 05). Conclusions It is necessary to build positive coping strategies and improve psychological health level among undergraduates. Peer education intervention plays an important role in the prevention and control of self-injury behavior.
作者 陈飞 黄静 张连生 CHEN Fei HUANG Jing ZHANG Lian-sheng.(School of Public Health, Medical College, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430065, Chin)
出处 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期387-390,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
基金 湖北省教育厅人文社会科学重点项目(17D010) 湖北省大学生创新训练项目(201410488047)
关键词 非自杀性自伤 LOGISTIC回归 人格障碍 Nonsuicidal self-injury Logistic regression Personality disorder
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