

A Comparison and Interpretation of the Five Elements and Earthly Branches Found in the Yi's “Futuo”Diagram and the Qiang Shibi's Illustrated Book
摘要 在彝族的付拖图里,蕴含了五行及生肖。在《羌族释比图经》中蕴含了五行生肖内容,表现出独特的羌族文化特色,有极为重要的学术价值。因为彝族和羌族的先民都与古羌人有密切的关系,而古羌人与中原先民文化有密切的关系,所以彝族和羌族的五行生肖文化与中原五行生肖文化当有文化渊源关系,只是在后来的传承中,因为传承主体的原因而表现出不同民族特色。因为羌族没有文字对自己的五行生肖文化加以定格记录,所以现在对之抢救和研究显得特别重要。 Since ancient times, the concepts of yin-yang and wuxing (the five elements) have been an important part of the philosophical world of the Chinese people. It is a component of their "ideological principles" and cosmological belief sys- tem. As early as the hongfan chapter of the Shang Shu (The Book of History), one of the principles proposed by Jizi to King Wu for manageing state af- fairs was related to the five elements. The main ideology he wanted to express is: All the objective things have their own rules; instead of resisting and violating them, they can be revealed, con- trolled, and used by the people; those people who do not follow the natural rules will be punished by nature. The concept of the five elements was culturally very significant in the pre-Qin period, and influenced related ethnic groups in later times. Es- pecially with regard to the social development of later periods, the five elements, combined with the heavenly stems and earthly branches (the twelve annual animals of the zodiac), turned into a " uni- versal" principle which deeply influenced people's world view and society.
作者 罗曲
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第2期56-61,113-115,共9页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目"云贵川百部<彝族毕摩经典译注>研究"(项目批准号:14ZDB119) 国家民委人文社会科学重点研究基地-少数民族哲学思想与文化传承创新研究基地一般项目"彝族的‘鲁素’与‘付拖’研究"(立项编号:2016SZJD05)阶段性成果
关键词 彝族付拖图 羌族释比图经 五行生肖 Futuo diagram of the Yi Qiang Shibi's Illustrated Book five elements and twelve zodiac animals
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