
草莓产业蜜蜂授粉技术的应用及对策建议——基于152位种植户的调查 被引量:2

Application of Bee Pollination Technology in Strawberry Industry and Suggestions——Based on 152 Households Survey
摘要 在农业供给侧改革的大力推动下,推广蜜蜂授粉技术对提升农产品品质,促进行业发展具有重要意义。本文通过对四川草莓产业的现状分析,发现四川草莓种植业具有农户文化程度偏低且缺乏对蜜蜂授粉技术的认知,草莓种植规模较小且品质相对较低,蜜蜂授粉技术指导不足、农户对蜜蜂授粉的采用意愿较低及蜂源单一、且授粉蜜蜂伤亡较严重的特点。随后,提出了推进草莓的规模化与科学化种植,完善宣传渠道,提高农户对蜜蜂授粉技术的认知及推行"一村一社",拓宽蜜蜂获取渠道,减少蜜蜂伤亡,为农户提供技术保障的建议,以促进四川草莓产业的发展。 It is very important to promote the technology of bee pollination to promote the quality of agricultural products and promote the development of the industry under the vigor of the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. In this paper, through the analysis of the present situation of Sichuan strawberry industry, it was found that Sichuan strawberry cultivation industry had low level of cultivation and lack of cognition of bee pollination technology. The strawberry cultivation scale was small and its quality was relatively low. The bee pollination technique was insufficient. The willingness of the growers to use bee pollination is low and the bee source is single, and the pollination bees are more serious. Then, we put forward the large-scale and scientific cultivation of strawberries, improve the propaganda channels, raise the awareness of the farmers on the bee pollination technology and implement the "one village and one society", broaden the bees to obtain the channel, reduce the bee casualty rate, provide the farmers technical support and other recommendations to promote the development of Sichuan strawberry industry.
出处 《中国蜂业》 2017年第5期56-58,共3页 Apiculture of China
基金 国家蜂产业技术体系建设专项(NYCYTX-43) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:71673195) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:71303168)
关键词 农业供给侧结构性改革 蜜蜂授粉技术 四川 草莓 agricultural supply side structural reform bee pollination technology Sichuan strawberry
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