
空气净化器摆放位置对流场及PM2.5净化效果影响 被引量:10

Numerical Simulation of Indoor Flow Field and PM2.5 Filtration Effect Affected by Air Cleaner in Different Position
摘要 针对办公环境源中于室外的细颗粒物问题,采用计算流体力学的方法,对空气净化器的净化效果及室内流场进行了数值模拟。以上送侧回式空气净化器为例,对比分析了其三种摆放位置对渗透入室内的室外源PM2.5的净化效果及室内流场的影响。结果表明,当净化器离人员较近时,净化器循环风在人员周围的气流组织中起主要作用,较远时则为温差引起的热浮力;当净化器位于渗透风下风向的位置时,净化效果最差,位于侧向位置时净化效果最好。 Aiming at problem of fine particulate matter from outdoor source in the office environment, usingcomputation fluid dynamic method, the filtration effect of an air cleaner and the indoor flow field were simulated. Takingan upward air supply and side air return air cleaner for example, the effect of three kinds of placement on the filtrationeffect of outdoor source PM2.5 Penetrated into the indoor and the indoor flow field were compared and analyzed. Theresults show that when the air cleaner is closed to the person, recycled air of the air cleaner plays a major role in theairflow organization around the person, and the thermal buoyancy caused by temperature difference when far away fromthe person. When the air cleaner is placed in the downwind of penetration air position, the filtration effect is the worst,and the best when placed in the lateral position.
作者 李擎 沈恒根 杨学宾 崔晶晶 LI Qing SHEN Heng-gen YANG Xue-bin CUI Jing-jing(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua Universit)
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2017年第4期35-38,43,共5页 Building Energy & Environment
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目(2012BAJ02B07)
关键词 空气净化器 摆放位置 室外源 细颗粒物 净化效果 air cleaner, position, outdoor source, PM2.5, filtration effect
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