
甘肃省西和县农村小学饮用水卫生状况调查 被引量:1

Investigation on sanitary quality of drinking water in rural elementary schools in Xihe county, Gansu province
摘要 目的了解甘肃省西和县农村小学生活饮用水卫生状况,为进一步实施安全饮水工程确保学校饮用水卫生安全提供科学依据。方法 2014年和2016年甘肃省疾病预防控制中心及西和县疾病预防控制中心两次对西和县农村小学和教学点生活饮用水随机采样并现场调查,采样并判定按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》GB/T 5750-2006及《生活饮用水卫生标准》GB 5749-2006的要求进行,运用Spss 16统计学软件分析数据。结果 2014年采水样36份、合格9份、合格率25%,2016年采水样33份、合格8份、合格率24%,不同年度差异无统计学意义(χ~2=0.01,P>0.05);感官指标合格率分别为67%和70%(χ~2=0.07)、一般化学指标合格率为64%和73%(χ~2=0.62)、毒理学指标合格率为83%和88%(χ~2=0.04)、微生物学指标合格率为25%和33%(χ~2=0.58),以上指标两年间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);江河水合格率均为100%,浅井水合格率分别为18%和11%,深井水合格率为33%和67%,泉水合格率为29%和19%,水库水、窖水和沟塘水合格率均为0,不同水源类型差异无统计学意义(Fisher's检验,P>0.05)。结论甘肃省西和县农村小学生活饮用水水质受到污染,对广大师生的身体健康有潜在威胁,水质卫生状况亟待改善,相关部门应加大对供水设施和水消毒处理设施的投入,确保生活饮用水合格。 Objective To monitor sanitary quality of drinking water taken from some elementary schools in Xihe county, Longnan city, Gansu province, to provide scientific data for enforcement of safe drinking water project. Methods Random sampling and field investigation methods were taken by Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Xihe CDC to evaluate drinking water quality in some rural primary schools in Xihe county in 2014 and 2016, respective- ly. All water samples were collected and determined according to National Standard Method for Determination of Drinking Water (GB/T 5750-2006). Meanwhile, the quality of water samples was evaluated by Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water (GB 5749-2006). The obtained results were analyzed with Spss 16 statistics software. Results Out of 36 water samples col- lected in 2014 and 33 samples in 2016, only 9 and 8 met the standard sanitary requirements, respectively, with the qualified rate of 25% and 24%. The data indicated that there was no statistical difference in the qualified rates between the two years (χ^2=0.01, P〉0.05). In 2014 and 2016, the qualified rate was 67% and 70% of the sensory index (χ^2=0.07), 64% and 73% of general chemical indexes (χ^2=0.62), 83% and 88% of toxicological indexes (χ^2=0.04), 25% and 33% of microbial indicators (χ^2=0.58). All indicators mentioned above were of no statistical difference between the two years (P〉0.05). Additionally, the qualified rate was 100% of river water, whereas 0 of reservoir water, pit water and ditch pond water, 18% and 11% of shallow well, 33% and 67% of deep well, 29% and 19% of spring water. The results revealed that there was no statistical significance in the qualified rates of water categories between the two years (Fisher's, P〉0.05). Conclusions Drinking water of the ru- ral elementary schools in Xihe county is partially contaminated. There is potential threat to physical health of pupils and teachers. Thus, the relevant departments should increase investment in water supply and water sterilization facilities to ensure drinking water quality.
出处 《疾病预防控制通报》 2017年第2期29-32,共4页 Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)
关键词 生活饮用水 农村小学 合格率 Drinking water Rural elementary school Qualified rate
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