A 36-year-old woman presented with a 20- year history of light fiat papules on the trunk and limbs, The le- sions developed slowly and were asymptomatic. Skin examination revealed multiple irregularly sized light fiat papules on the trunk and limbs along Langer' s lines, multiple pin cap-sized perifollicular papules .on the posterior upper arm. Part of papules merged into plaques. Pathological examination of biopsy showed epider- mal atrophy and thinning, and thinned collagen fibers arranged loosely in the dermis. Aleian blue staining re- vealed no mucoprotein in the dermis. Verhoeff-van Giesen's Staining showed almost complete absence of elas- tic fibers in the mid dermis. Based on the above findings,the diagnosis was made as mid-dermal elastolysis.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology