研究基于水曲柳在我国温带阔叶混交林区的生态地位、经济价值和资源几近枯竭的不争事实,以吉林省中东部森林分布区为对象,旨在通过水曲柳在不同群落中的数量特征、区域差异和生态特征分析等,为该物种的保育及可持续经营等提供科学依据。研究采用标准地法,均匀设置并调查了面积为30 m×30 m的样地509块,通过对不同森林群落和市/区尺度的水曲柳种群(D_(1.3)≥5 cm)蓄积、密度和幼树更新的分别统计、比对,获得其资源分异特征,同时分析了水曲柳资源状况与经度、纬度、海拔和水热条件的关系。结果表明:除少数以水曲柳为优势的纯林和阔叶混交林外,水曲柳种群数量在红松针阔混交林、云冷杉针阔混交林和优势种不明显的阔叶混交林中相对较高;而在人工林、白桦林、杨树林和蒙古栎林等群落则较低。不同森林群落的水曲柳幼树整体呈进展型,但幼树密度与水曲柳种群数量的关系并不显著,整体表现在水曲柳种群数量较低的人工林类型组中相对较高,在种源充足的水曲柳林和以水曲柳为优势的阔叶混交林中相对较低。利用Acrgis软件绘制了吉林省中东部林区水曲柳的市/区分布图,通过聚类分析得出和龙市、桦甸市、通化县、靖宇县、抚松县和安图县为水曲柳的现存丰富区,敦化市、舒兰市、丰满区和蛟河市为水曲柳的潜在分布区;其余25个市/区为水曲柳的资源匮乏区。水曲柳种群蓄积和蓄积比随经度、海拔的增加均呈明显的单峰型变化,但随纬度的变化规律不明显。相关分析结果表明:水曲柳种群数量的空间分布受降水因子的影响小,但与温差变化和冬季低温显著相关。
Based on the ecological status,economic value and the resource loss of Fraxinus mandshurica in the temperate broadleaf mixed forest,the resource of F.mandshurica was investigated in the central-eastern forest region of Jilin Province,northeastern China.The quantity,distribution and ecological characteristics of F.mandshurica in the boreal forest were analyzed,with the purpose of providing scientific basis for species conservation and the sustainable forest management.The resource distribution of F.mandshurica(D1.3≥5 cm)was explored by analyzing the volume,density and sapling regeneration of F.mandshurica population in different communities(509 plots of 30 m×30 m),meanwhile the relationships between the resource distribution and environmental factors(longitude,attitude,altitude,temperature and precipitation)were measured by the Pearson correlation analysis.The results showed that:the quantity of F.mandshurica was relatively higher in the Korean pine and broadleaved mixed forest,spruce-fir mixed forest and broadleaved mixed forest without the dominant species,whereas it was relatively lower in plantation,birch forest,poplar forest and Mongolian oak forest.The sapling regeneration of F.mandshurica represented for an expanded population,but the density of sapling regeneration was not related with the quantity of F.mandshurica,such as it was relatively higher in plantation group,while lower in pure forest and broadleaved mixed forest dominated by F.mandshurica.The resource distribution map of F.mandshurica in central-eastern Jilin Province was drawn by Arcgis software.The cluster analysis showed that there were abundant areas of the F.mandshurica in Helong City,Huadian City,Tonghua County,Jinyu County,Fusong County and Antu County;the potential distribution areas were Dunhua City,Shulan City,Fengman District and Jiaohe City;and the other 25cities/districts were the rare resource areas.With the increase of longitude and elevation,the volume and the volume ratio of F.mandshurica population appeared a hump pattern,whereas there was not a significant relation with latitude.The correlation analysis showed that the spatial distribution of F.mandshurica population was not related with the precipitation,but was significantly related with the range of temperature and minimum temperature of winter.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University
Fraxinus mandshurica
resource status
community type
population number
sapling renew