The theoretical basis of Instrumental Rationality Critical Theory is the criticism of the conceptthat 'natural science mode of thinking'(including but not limited to natural science methods, oftencombined with technology, hereinafter inclusive) affects or even determines the existence of socialexistence(human existence as its base) and its development trend. The so-called'natural science modeof thinking' is not science in real sense, but 'scientism', and is the forgotten of the nature in theprocess of scientific development and tooling. In addition, the tools used by the rational critics to criticizethe rationality of the instrument are often the spiritual factors of consciousness, value rationality,dialectical rationality and not from reality, and their essence is the criticism in the field of concept. Tomake a more comprehensive and profound criticism of the rationality of the instrument, we must proceedfrom the social reality, reject the'scientism', understand the social progress factors contained in the truesense of science and technology, the progress of science and technology and the combination of historicalsubjective initiative, at the same time confirm its positive role and define the scope of its role. This is the basis for more profound critique of instrumental rationality as well as the embodiment of thecontemporary value of practical materialism.
Henan Social Sciences