The Manipulation of LIBOR is a potential risk of financial market which has been exposed in the financial crisis in 2008. SHIBOR is an important symbol of interest rates marketization in China. The paper studies the SHIBOR pricing in two steps. First, this paper discusses the dynamic correlation between SHIBOR and treasury interest rate by using the method of dynamic conditional correlation, and we find that in some special periods the SHIBOR rates may have deviated from the benchmark rates. Second, we study whether there is clustering behaviours in the quoted pricing of SHIBOR member banks, which has been empirialcally tested by using the SHIBOR member banks quotation data and the systematic clustering method, by this mean we can evaluate the risk of interest rate manipulation. The results suggest that there is no significant manipulation during the whole sampling period. However, there are some certain levels of collusion in some special short periods. The quotations of some SHIBOR member banks were quite similar, and they were quite different fi'om the quotations of other member banks. The regulatory authority is sugeested to apply this data-based method to support their judgement of manipulation in the SHIBOR pricing market. It will strengthen relative regulation in promoting the interest rates marketization in the future.
Financial Regulation Research
Dynamic Conditional Correlation
Systematic Clustering