
ENVISAT ScanSAR干涉数据处理研究

Study on ENVISAT ScanSAR Interferometry for the Data Processing
摘要 ScanSAR干涉测量是一种三维测高模式,而且ScanSAR模式也是SAR卫星的一种工作模式,且具有宽覆盖、大范围和重返周期短的优点。本文结合ScanSAR的工作原理及特点,分析了ScanSAR的成像算法,针对ScanSAR的数据处理的关键点,提出了采用分字条带处理的方法来剔除轨道误差,消弱拼接、大地水准面差距、大气效应的误差。在此基础上,使用GAMMA软件给出处理流程,然后通过对ENVISAT卫星的青藏高原宽幅数据的处理,进行实验对比,证明该方法的有效性,并为ScanSAR干涉测量的进一步研究提供了重要的科学参考。 Interferometry with ScanSAR is a three - dimensional measurement technique, and ScanSAR mode is also one of the SARsatellite mode. It has the advantages of large coverage, large range and short time interval. In this paper, the imaging algorithms ofSeanSAR are analyzed combined with the working principle and characteristics of the ScanSAR. Aiming to the key points of the dataprocessing of the ScanSAR, this paper proposes a sub - swaths processing method to eliminate orbit errors and to mitigate errors ofstrip mosaicking, geoid undulation and atmosphere effects. Based on these, with the use of the GAMMA software this paper puts for-ward the data processing and then by processing ENVISAT WSS data of Qinghai -Tibet Plateau makes contrast experiments to provethe feasibility of the method. For the further study of Interferometry with ScanSAR, this paper provides important scientific reference.
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2017年第4期33-36,共4页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
基金 科技基础性工作专项重点项目:中国大陆现代垂直形变图集的编制与资料整编--基于连续GPS和精密水准约束与非约束InSAR资料垂向运动结果获取(2015FY210404-5)资助
关键词 SCANSAR 干涉测量 分条带处理 青藏高原 ScanSAR interferometry sub - bands processing Qinghai - Tibet Plateau
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