
基于大数据知识表征的特质 被引量:5

The Characteristics of the Knowledge Representation Based on the Large Data
摘要 基于大数据的知识表征不仅凸显知识的精神特质,而且凸显知识生产特质、实践特质和规范特质。多元的大数据主体使知识更加复杂,数据的主体多元性在客观上要求数据共享,而实现大数据共享是一个复杂的过程;数据的主体多元性使大数据仓库的客观性越来越复杂。关联的网状大数据彰显知识的客观性,基于大数据知识表征的客观性不仅来源于关联的大数据形态,而且来源于经验世界的大数据、主体与经验世界关联的数据、主体间数据的客观实在。强语境依赖的大数据彰显知识的相对性,基于大数据知识表征依赖大数据产生的时空语境,基于大数据知识应用具有应用空间的相对性。大数据知识的实践应用彰显知识的社会规范性,应遵循客观性、公有性和社会性及技术层面、组织层面的制度规范。基于大数据的知识表征不仅彰显大数据工具的个性特征,而且具有普遍知识的本质特征,是对人本主义和外在主义知识论的超越,是关联分析和因果分析的辩证统一,并具有实践意义。 The knowledge representation based on large data not only highlights the spiritual characteristics of knowledge,but also the productive,practical and normative characteristics.Multi-subject knowledge of big data is complex.Multi-subject data requires sharing data,and the realization of sharing data is a complex process;multi subjective data makes objectivity of big data more complex.The correlation of network data highlights the objectivity of knowledge.The objectivity based on big data of knowledge is not only from the form of big data,but also from the data of experience,data related to world-experience and the objective reality between subjects.The big data with strong context-dependence highlights the relativity of knowledge.Knowledge representation based on large data relies on the temporal and spatial context,and the application of knowledge based on large data is relative to its application.The practical application of knowledge based on big data demonstrates the social norm of knowledge,and thus it should follow the institutional rules of objectivity,public and social rules,and technical and organizational rule.Knowledge representation of big data does not only highlight the instrumental characters of big data,but also has the essential characteristics of general knowledge,which goes beyond the knowledge of humanism and externalism.It is the dialectical union between relational analysis and causal analysis,which has practical significance.
作者 苏玉娟
出处 《哲学分析》 CSSCI 2017年第2期116-126,198-199,共11页 Philosophical Analysis
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"基于信息技术哲学的当代认识论研究"(项目编号:15ZDB019)的阶段性成果
关键词 大数据 知识表征 数据关联 复杂性 客观性 相对性 社会规范性 big data knowledge representation data association complexity objectivity relativity social norm
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