纳米生物医用材料是由纳米技术和生物材料交叉、融合的全新高科技领域。为全面地揭示生物医用纳米材料的发展趋势及研究进展,首先在查阅文献和咨询专家的基础上对该领域的技术背景、主要政策和计划,产业化和市场化的趋势进行了解,然后再利用web of science的核心合集对该领域文献进行检索,再对文献的数量年度变化、研究方向、研究主题、主要国家和机构的发文量与被引频次进行统计和分析,最后根据分析结果提出建议,以便为政策制定者和相关研究者提供参考。
Nano biomedical material is cross and fusion new high-tech fields composed of nanotechnology and bio materials, To fully reveal the research progress and the development trend of the'biomedical nanometer materials, and first of all, on the basis of the literature and consulting experts analyze in the field of technical background, major policies and plans, the trend of industrialization and market, and then using the web of science core collection in the field of literature retrieval, and annual change to the amount of literature, the research direction, research topic, major countries and institutions and cited frequency were statistics and analysis, finally, suggestions are proposed according to the results of the analysis, in order to provide reference for policy makers and researchers.
Science & Technology Vision