

Effect of Elevation on Survival of Woody Plants of Jinhewan Wetland Botanical Garden in Harbin
摘要 哈尔滨金河湾湿地植物园具有水位不稳定的漫滩特征,不同标高下木本植物生长状况存在差异。该研究以竣工图标高为依据,将全园划分为3个区域,以20m×20m样方为调查单元,采集其植物种类、生长状况等,比较2011年与2016年植物种类及空间构成差异,研究了湿地漫滩生境不同标高下对木本植物的适宜种类选择的影响,以期为今后木本植物的合理配置提供科学参考。结果表明:2016年现阶段园内木本植物种类共29种,分属11科,其中乔木16种,灌木13种。水生境下(标高115.17~116.00m),只有灌木柳、旱柳存活,长势较好;阶段性水陆生境(标高116.00~119.49m),除杨柳科其它植物生长状况较差,与2011年竣工图相比,种类消失率高达52.4%,木本植物存活率排序:灌木柳(88.7%)>旱柳(80.3%)>银中杨(78.5%)>家榆(76.3%)>白桦(72.8%),均在该标高下对当地的环境有较好的适应能力。不受水淹胁迫,陆地生境下(标高为119.49~125.68m),木本植物存活率排序为旱柳(97.6%)>银中杨(93.5%)>家榆(90.7%)>胡桃楸(89.6%)>榆叶梅(88.5%),均在该标高下对当地的环境有较好的适应能力。 Abstract.Harbin Jinhewan Wetland Botanical Garden has the characteristics of unstable floodplain, and the growth of woody plants in different elevation is different. In this study,the whole garden was divided into three regions, and the 20 m × 20 m quadrats were selected as the investigation units. The plant species and growth status were collected,and the differences of plant species and spatial structure between 2011 and 2016 were compared. Then the suitable species of woody plants under different elevation in wetland were studied. The results showed that there were 29 species of woody plants in the park in 2016,belonging to 11 families,of which 16 species of trees and 13 species of shrubs. Under water habitat (elevation 115. 17-116. 00 m),only Salix saposhnikovii and Salix rnatasudana, which were growing well. In the amphibious environment (elevation 116. 00 - 119. 49 m), except for Salicaceaeother plants grew in worse condition,compared with completion of plans in 2011, the species disappeared at a rate as high as 52. 4% ,the order of the survival rate of woody plants:Salix saposhnikovii(88. 7%)〉Salix matasudana( 80. 3%) 〉 P. alba × P. berolinensis (78. 5%) 〉 Ulmus pumila (76. 3%) 〉Betula platyph ylla (72. 8%) ,all of them had good ability to adapt to the local environment under the elevation level. Even in flooded amphibious region(elevation 119.49- 125.68 m), the order of the survival rate of woody plants: Salix matasudana ( 97. 6 % ) 〉 P. alba × P. berolinensis ( 93. 5 %) 〉Ulmus pumila ( 90. 7 %) 〉Juglans rnandshurica (89. 6%)〉Prunus triloba (88. 5%),all of them had good ability to adapt to the local environment under the elevation level.
作者 岳桦 鲁奕含 胡尚春 YUE Hua LU Yihan HU Shangehun(College of Landscape Architecture,Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150040)
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第9期69-74,共6页 Northern Horticulture
基金 国家自然科学青年基金资助项目(31600576) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2572015BX06) 东北林业大学双一流专项资助项目(41114245)
关键词 哈尔滨 金河湾湿地植物园 标高 木本植物 Harbin Jinhewan Wetland Botanical Garden elevations woody plants
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