目的从流行病学和病原学两方面对2011年-2015年锦州市流感的流行特征进行分析。方法从中国流感监测信息系统中收集锦州市2011年-2015年流行病学和病原学监测资料。采用Excel 2003进行数据统计描述,SPSS17.0软件进行数据分析。随机选取锦州市H3N2病毒进行病毒RNA提取,扩增目的基因片段,构建分子进化树,进行进化分析。结果 2011年-2015年医院共上送ILI标本6 031份,培养流感病毒211株,阳性率为3.50%。流感病毒未发生明显变异,毒株变异幅度不大,未发现有意义的耐药位点的出现和改变。结论锦州流感病毒活动比较平稳,各亚型交替成为流行的优势株。锦州市流感流行株与疫苗株有较好的一致性,大多数流感流行株对现有临床上应用的抗流感病毒的神经氨酸酶抑制剂仍然敏感。
Objective The epidemiological characteristics of influenza in Jinzhou from 2011 to 2015 were analyzed from two as- pects of epidemiology and etiology. Methods The data of epidemiology and etiology surveillance in Jinzhou from 2011 to 2015 were collected from China Influenza Surveillance System. Excel 2003 was used for statistical description and SPSS 17.0 was used for statistical analysis. H3N2 virus was randomly selected from Jinzhou city to carry out the virus RNA extraction, amplifi- cation of the target gene fragment, the construction of molecular phylogenetic tree, evolutionary analysis. Results 6 031 speci- mens of throat swab of influenza -like illness were detected, 211 influenza viruses were identified, and average rate of virus iso- lation was 3.50%. Influenza virus did not change significantly, the variation of the strain was not significant, and no significant drug resistance sites were found. Conclusion In Jinzhou, influenza virus activity is relatively stable. Each subtype has become the dominant strain. There is a good agreement between the influenza epidemic strains and vaccine strains in Jinzhou. Most of the influenza virus strains of anti influenza virus neuraminidase inhibitors in clinical application of existing are still sensitive.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Influenza- like illness
Evolution analysis
Drug resistance mutation