
仇恨型故意杀人案件死刑裁量反思——贾敬龙案量刑妥当性多维分析 被引量:5

Reflection on the Death Penalty of Intentional Homicide of Hatred Type:Multidimensional Analysis in Sentencing Discretion of Jia Jing-long Case
摘要 贾敬龙案涉及尖锐复杂的民间矛盾,属于由矛盾激化所引发的仇恨型故意杀人案件。民间矛盾激化所致仇恨型故意杀人案件往往情有可悯,对之是否适用死刑立即执行应当审慎、全面地考察。虽然该案判决符合三段论的形式逻辑,但通过图尔敏论证模型进行实质分析后,可以看出司法机关对该案司法裁判的论证重心在于其"可杀"之处,而对"可不杀"之情节考察不足,显然论证并不全面。而司法机关对此案的裁判与以往实践中所采取的死刑司法控制政策以及最高法院指导性案例,所持立场不一致,缺乏融贯性。同时,对贾敬龙案做出死刑立即执行的判决,也缺乏刑罚沟通主义精神。 Intentional homicide cases of hatred type caused by civil conflicts are often forgivable.The implementation of the death penalty of such cases should be carefully and comprehensively investigated.The discretion of the judicial organs for the immediate implementation of the death penalty in the Jia Jing-long case is worthy of reflection.If we analyze the reasons of the sentence,we will find that there are some points worthwhile to discuss.Jia Jing-long case caused by sharp and complex civil conflicts belongs to hatred type of intentional homicide.It is forgivable.Although the judgment is in accordance with the formal logic syllogism,but it does not meet the Toulmin demonstration model.It shows the reasons of 'should be killed' and ignores the forgivable points of 'should not be killed'.The judgment of the case is not consistent with the judicial control policy of the death penalty and the position of the Supreme Court in the past.The execution of death penalty in this case is not conducive to the realization of communication and consultation with the public.
作者 陈劲阳
机构地区 吉林大学法学院
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期66-73,205,共8页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
关键词 贾敬龙案 民间矛盾 仇恨型故意杀人罪 死刑裁量 刑罚沟通主义 Jia Jing-long case intentional homicide of hatred type the sentence of death penalty Toulmin model communication punishment
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