
BDS/GPS网络差分定位试验分析 被引量:1

Analysis of BDS/GPS network differential positioning
摘要 针对在传统网络差分定位中,单GPS系统在观测条件不好情况下会出现可用卫星数量偏少甚至不够、观测值存在粗差而影响定位等问题,该文提出BDS/GPS双系统组合网络伪距差分定位的数学模型,并加入基于最小二乘残差法探测粗差观测数据的质量控制算法。基于省CORS网实时BDS/GPS双系统数据,以国产的手持机终端作为流动端,利用BDS/GPS伪距差分平台进行了车载动态试验,根据试验对比和分析,动态定位平面精度优于1m,在加入质量控制算法模式下,定位精度和可靠性都有一定提高。 Aiming at the problem that the number of available satellites are relatively few, even not e- nough and presence of gross errors with single GPS system under poor observing conditions in the tradi- tional network differential positioning, which will affect the positioning, the BDS/GPS network pseudor- ange differential positioning mathematical models and quality control algorithms(by least squares residuals method to detect gross errors)were proposed in this paper. Based on provincial CORS network real-time BDS/GPS dual-system data, with the domestic handset BDS receiver as a mobile terminal, vehicle dynam- ic tests were conducted using BDS/GPS pseudorange differential platform. The results indicated that the positioning accuracy in dynamic mode was better than 1 meter(vertical)and the accuracy and reliability of positioning was therefore some improved when compared with the existing quality control algorithm model.
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期157-161,共5页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFB0502105) 中国测绘科学研究院科研业务费项目(7771519 7771604) 山东省高等学校科研计划项目(J15LN74) 潍坊市科学技术发展计划项目(2015GX064) 四川省北斗实时亚米级智能位置服务关键技术研究项目(2016KJ0205)
关键词 BDS/GPS 网络差分 质量控制 内插 动态 BDS/GPS network differential quality control interpolation dynamic
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