目的验证一种二氧化氯泡腾片的杀菌效果与安全性。方法采用理化分析和载体定量杀菌试验方法,对试验用二氧化氯泡腾片相关性能进行实验室观察。结果浓度为100 mg/L二氧化氯溶液,作用15 min,对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌杀灭对数值均>5.00;作用30 min,擦拭消毒木质物体表面自然菌的平均杀灭对数值均≥2.76;用100 mg/L二氧化氯溶液,作用30 min,对织物上污染的金黄色葡萄球菌杀灭对数值各样品均≥5.26;急性经口(原样)试验显示属低毒物;急性经口(5倍最大应用浓度)试验属于实际无毒物,对皮肤无刺激。结论该二氧化氯泡腾片对肠道致病菌、化脓性球菌及物体表面自然菌均具有较强的杀灭作用,使用浓度属于实际无毒,值得推广使用。
Objective To verify the bactericidal effect and safety of a chlorine dioxide effervescent tablets.Methods Physical-chemical analysis and carrier quantitative germicidal test were used to test the related properties of chlorine dioxide effervesce tablets in laboratory.Results Exposed to the chlorine dioxide powder solution containing chlorine dioxide 100 mg/L for 15 mins,the average killing log value of the Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli was 〉5.00.Exposed to the chlorine dioxide powder solution containing chlorine dioxide 100 mg/L for 30 min,the average killing log value of the natural bacteria on object surface was ≥2.76.Exposed to the chlorine dioxide powder solution containing chlorine dioxide 100 mg/L for 30 mins,the average killing log value of the Staphylococcus aureus on the clothes was ≥5.26.Through acute oral toxicity test,skin irritation test,the effervesce tablets of chlorine dioxide belonged to actual low-toxic level substance.The original fluid was low nontoxic by acute oral toxicity test,when sample was diluted five times,it was actually nontoxic by acute oral toxicity test,no stimulation to the skin.the chlorine dioxide effervescent tablets were belonged to actual non-toxic level substance and non-irritant substance.Conclusion The chlorine dioxide disinfectant has good efficacy of killing intestinal pathogenic bacteria,Streptococcus pyogenes and natural bacteria.It belongs to practically non-toxic in applied concentration.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection
chlorine dioxide
effervesce tablets
Escherichia coli
germicidal effect