
差错反感文化对员工双元绩效的影响机制研究 被引量:18

Research on the Effect Mechanism of Error Aversion Culture on Employees' Dual Performance
摘要 当前,组织中盛行的差错防范策略,长期发展中会形成差错反感文化,不利于组织和员工的绩效。本文聚焦差错反感文化对员工双元绩效的不良影响和内在机制,通过建立差错反感文化、组织支持感、组织认同和员工双元绩效的理论模型,基于安徽省18家国有企业的481份有效问卷进行实证分析。实证结果表明,员工感知到的差错反感文化负向影响员工的双元绩效,而且对情境绩效维度的影响较大;组织支持感和组织认同感正向影响员工双元绩效;感知到的差错反感文化通过组织支持感和组织认同的中介作用负向影响员工的双元绩效,其中,对双元绩效的情境绩效维度影响较大。本文的研究丰富和拓展了差错管理和绩效管理等领域的研究成果,探索和揭示了差错反感文化影响员工双元绩效的内在机制,并将实证研究结论应用于案例分析,并给出针对性的管理建议。 Errors occur in every industry, organization and department, and may have critical negative consequences such as loss of clients, quality problem, loss of time, increased costs, and loss of revenue. Because of the negative impact of errors, organizations often have zero-tolerance for errors and focus on avoiding errors. At present, the prevalence of error prevention strategy in the organization will form error aversion culture in the long run. Most of the existing studies illustrate the shortcomings of error aversion culture from the theoretical perspective, and on the organizational level to explain the positive impact of error management strategies and culture, less attention were paid on the employee level. There are few studies on the relationship between error aversion culture and perform- ance; researches mostly focus on the performance team and the organization, and less researches on employees' performance. In addition, perceived error aversion culture as a result of employees' conception and perception of organization's error aversion culture, dual performance as a result of employees' behavior, the relationship between them may not be directly. However, the studies about the internal mechanism of error aversion culture on employ- ees' performance are less. This study focused on the harmful effects of the error aversion culture on employees' dual performance, and a theoretical model of error aversion culture, perceived organizational support, organizational identification and employ- ees' dual performance was established for empirical research. Firstly, exploring the influence of perceived error a- version culture on employees' dual performance based on the theoretical analysis; Subsequently, exploring the me- diate effect of perceived organizational support, organizational identification on the relationship between error aver- sion culture on employees' dual performance. Using data from 481 employees in 18 companies from Anhui province,this article tested and verified the model using structural equation model and research hypothesis. The results showed that: individual perceived error aver- sion culture has negative influence on employees' dual performance, and has a greater influence on the dimension of contextual performance. Perceived organizational support and organizational identification has positive influence on employees' dual performance, perceived error aversion culture has negative influence on employees' dual perform- ance through the mediating effects of perceived organizational support and organizational identification, and has a greater influence on the dimension of contextual performance. Accordingly, this study has made important theoretical contribution in the following aspects. Firstly, previous re- searches on error management culture were mainly focused on organizational performance. This study investigated the effects of organizational error aversion culture on employees' performance. Secondly, past studies less concerned with the internal psychological mechanism of error aversion culture on employees' performance. This study identi- fied the intrinsic link mechanism between error aversion culture on employees' performance. Again, this study from the perspective of employees' perception of error aversion culture, rather than at the organizational level to measure error aversion culture, to simplify the data processing steps, and effectively avoid the influence of measurement error on the empirical results. In the end, the existing researches less view employees' dual performance as a whole, and less researches compared task performance and contextual performance. In this paper, the two factor model of dual performance is established to study the effect of error aversion culture on employees' dual performance, and to com- pare the different effects on the two dimensions of dual performance.
作者 杜鹏程 李敏 王成城 DU Peng-cheng LI Min WANG Cheng-cheng(School of Business, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, 230601, China School of Economics, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, 230601, China School of Management, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, 230601, China)
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期101-114,共14页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"差错管理氛围对创新行为的跨层次影响:基于创新型企业及其研发人员的实证研究"(71372183) 安徽省高等教育振兴计划人才项目"安徽省学术技术带头人培养资助计划"(05201350) 安徽大学学术创新研究扶持项目"科研人员过度认同与工作压力的非线性关系研究"(yfc100104)"
关键词 差错反感文化 组织支持感 组织认同 双元绩效 error aversion culture perceived organizational support organizational identification dual per- formance
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