After the failure of the Fifth Anti - encirclement Campaign of the Central Soviet Area, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Red Army withdrew from the Central Soviet Area. The Kuo- mintang began to proceed with the aftermath of the Central Soviet Area in accordance with the estab- lished plan. In this process, the Nanjing National Government set up the Rural Reconstruction Com- mittee, which made its focus on the southern Jiangxi and western Fujian. Under the leadership of the CPC, however, the Red Army of western Fujian persisted in the fierce struggle against the Kuo- mintang. Especially after founding the Southwestern Fujian Military and Political Committee in April 1935, when the organization and command reunified, the struggle against the Kuomintang Rural Re- construction Committee continued and finally effectively safeguarded the results of the land revolution in western Fujian. The struggles between the aftermath and anti - aftermath of the western Fujian be- fore and after the Long March should be regarded as a game between the CPC and the Kuomintang at the grass - roots level, the result of which has already predicted the ultimate destiny of Chinese revo- lution.
Western Fujian Province
the Anti- aftermath struggles
the Rural Reconstruction Committee
the Southwestern Fujian Military and Political Committee