

Research progress of graphene/PVC composites
摘要 GN稳定的晶格结构,使其碳原子具有导电性。GN中的电子在轨道中移动时,不会因晶格缺陷或引入外来原子而产生散射。GN在PVC中可相互搭连形成导电网络,因此GN可做为提高PVC导电性能的良好填充材料。对于无定形PVC,由于氢键作用及高分子在褶皱的GN表面机械嵌锁作用阻碍了PVC分子链的迁移,故PVC/GN复合材料的性能改善显著。综述了PVC/GN复合材料的制备方式,探讨了PVC/GN复合材料性能,指出了PVC/GN复合材料存在的问题。最后,提出了PVC/GN复合材料研究发展方向。 The stable lattice structure of GN makes its carbon atoms have conductivity. When electrons in the GN move in orbit, they do not generate scattering due to lattice defects or the introduction of exotic atoms. GN can be connected with each other to form a conductive network in PVC, so GN can be used as a good filling material to improve the conductivity of PVC. For the amorphous PVC, due to hydrogen bonding and the mechanical interlock of polymer in the folding GN surface, the performance improvement of PVC/ GN composites is significant. In this paper, the preparation methods of PVC/GN composites are reviewed, the properties of PVC/GN composites are discussed, and existing problems of PVC/GN composites are pointed out. Finally, this paper puts forward the research and development direction of the PVC/GN composite material.
作者 潘文平 康永 Pan Wenping Kang Yong(Lipu Normal School, Guilin 541000, Guangxi, China Shaanxi Jintai Chlor Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., Yulin 718100, Shaanxi, China)
出处 《橡塑技术与装备》 CAS 2017年第8期17-25,共9页 China Rubber/Plastics Technology and Equipment
关键词 聚氯乙烯 石墨烯 力学性能 光学性能 耐热性能 研究现状 PVC graphite mechanical property optical property heat resistance research status (R-031
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