At present, the offloading hoses on FPSO used in Bohai Bay are basically double car-cass hoses. Compared to the single carcass hoses, the double carcass hoses have the advantage that it can prevent the leakage when the first layer burst, there are leaking detector devices on both ends of the hoses in order to alarm that the first layer is damaged which needs to be replaced. There are two types of leaking detector devices, the one is electronic, the other is mechanical, when the leaking happens, the pressure will acti-vate the alarm devices, the results are alarm flash-ing or alarm turn color. It is hard to observe the leakage for the offloading hoses are floating on the sea, accordingly, increase the chance of the leak-ing. Therefore, it is very important to develop the wireless alarm system which can transmit the sig-nal to the control center and tell which hose should be replaced when the leakage happens, in this way, it can reduce the regular inspection rate, increase the operation safety as well.
Resources Economization & Environmental Protection