This paper slxidies the design and implementation process of the micro mobile office applications, the system is based on Dingtalk.com platform, use the basic IM capability ofDingtalk.com + open platform + THINKPHP framework +MYSQL to develop,it compatible w ith IOS, Andriod and other mobile systems. The design is a plat- form focused on office applications, realizes the enterprise daily work leave, travel reimbursement, attendance, ap-pointment scheduling, and work plan and other innovative features, taking into account the unique attributes of of-fice applications, reflects the enterprise employee management features. A cooperative communication platform based on enterprise address book, to achieve 1-1, N-N communication and collaboration, timely delivery of info r-mation and timely delivery. Is suitable for the management and the communication between the enterprise and the staff, is a moving office micro application.
XU Yan(Department of Information Engineering, Guangdong Polytechnic, Foshan Guangdong 528000, Chin)