目的调查五家渠市精神疾病患者免费投药的使用情况。方法采用一日法,以2016年8月15日免费发药为时间节点,对95例五家渠市精神疾病患者(男性37例,女性58例)的用药情况进行调查分析。结果 1单一使用抗精神病药物者41例(43.2%)前三位依从为氯氮平13例、利培酮例12例、奥氮平10例;2免费投药的患者服用共9种抗精神病药物,药物使用频度前三位依从为氯氮平46(48.4%)、利培酮33(34.7%)、丙戊酸钠20(21.1%)例;3联用两种抗精神病药物者54(56.8%),以利培酮联用氯氮平最常用11例;另外联合使用情感稳定剂者27例(28.4%)。结论提示目前我们免费投药精神病患者抗精神病药物的使用情况比较规范合理,氯氮平使用率仍较高,超过四分之一的患者联合心境稳定剂以提高抗精神病药物的疗效。
Objective Usage condition of Wujiaqu city of free drug in patients with mental illness. Methods One day method was adopted, August 15, 2016 was free medicine time node, drug condition of 95 cases of psychiatric patients with Wujiaqu city (37 males, 58 females) were analyzed. Results ① Only usage of antipsychoties were 41 cases (43.2%): clozapine was 13 cases, risperidone was 12 cases, olanzapine was 10 cases; ②Free drug delivery on a total of 9 patients who was taking antipsychotic drugs, the top three of drug usage: clozapine was 46 cases(48.4% ), risperidone was 33 cases(34.7% ), valproate was 20 cases (21.1% ); ③Two types of antipsychotic drugs 54 (56.8%), risperidone combined with clozapine was the most commonly used in 11 cases; combination with other emotional stabilizer was 27 cases (28.4%). Conclusion At the moment, the use offree antipsychotie drugs for patients with psychiatric conditions is reasonable, clozapine utilization rate is still high which is more than a quarter of patients with combined mood stabilizers in order to improve the curative effect of antipsychotie drugs.
Xinjiang Medical Journal
Mental Illness
Anfipsyehotie Drugs
Free Drug Delivery