Purpose : Department of Uhrasound, The AffiliatedZhongshan Hospital, Guangzhou University of Tradi-tional Chinese Medicine, Zhongshan Guangdong 528400, [ Abstract] Objective To evaluate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound combined with ultrasonography in the differentiation of benign and malignant prostatic nodules. Methods 100 cases of prostate specific antigen were selected, and the patients with prostate cancer were diagnosed, line by the rectal ultrasound , the rectal elastic imaging examination and the rectum uitrasound contrast examination , target biopsy for suspected malignant nodules examination, 12 point system puncture biopsy was performed, comparison of different methods for the detection of ma- lignant nodules. Resuhs TRUS detected 80 suspicious malignant nodules, of which 38 were diagnosed as malignant nodules, the detection rate of 47.50% ; TRTE detected 72 suspicious malignant nodules, of which 52 were diagnosed as malignant nod- ules, the detection rate of 72. 22% ; TR-CEUS detected 68 suspicious malignant nodules, of which 56 were diagnosed as ma- lignant nodules, the detection rate of 82. 35% ; TR-CEUS combined with TRTE detected 60 suspicious malignant nodules, of which 53 were diagnosed as malignant nodules, the detection rate of 88. 33%. Conclusions TR-CEUS combined with TRTE can improve the detection rate of malignant nodules in the prostate, it is helpful to improve the detection rate of ultrasound guided prostate biopsy, and provide new ideas and methods for prostate biopsy.
Modern Medical Imageology
transrectal ultrasonography
real-timetissue elastography
puncture biopsy
benign and malignant nodules of prostate.