Definition: The final net live birth delivery from the mother's womb, with distinct male and female genetic traits, forms a ratioof male live births per 100 female live births, termed as Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB). Study areas and source of data: The studyareas are Africa and major worldwide continents and countries. The basic data are compiled from the National Populationand Housing Censuses, Demographic Sample Surveys, Demographic and Health Surveys, and Vital Registration Systems.Analytical approaches: The factors influencing the variations in SRB are identified by reviewing various documents, analysisof variance (ANOVA) techniques, and statistical measures of central tendency and dispersion. Results: The ratios areconsistently higher for advanced countries than the developing countries, with highest for China and India. The ANOVAresults show slight differences among the S0 African countries but show differences among the African regional states,whereas the standard deviation of the SRB among the advanced countries, including some Asian and Latin Americancountries shows non-significant variations. In conclusion, the mean SRB for African populations is 103 as against 106 forother countries.