

International Comparison and Reference of Government Regulation in Insurance Industry
摘要 中国保险产业整体起步较晚,行业规制理论与实践均不同程度地落后于欧美国家。西方发达国家的政府规制由"政府-市场"型框架向"政府-市场-社会"型框架转变,规制方式日趋丰富而多元。西方国家保险业规制的有益经验主要体现在构建系统的金融法律制度,全方位、多层次的监管体系,关注信息化技术进展,严格规范保险代理人行为,实施成本收益分析以及完善保险混业经营监管规范等方面。以发展、扬弃的观点对待西方国家规制经验,重点吸收其经验中的合理成分与纯技术分析,构建基于中国国情的政府规制理论体系。 The insurance industry started late in China, meanwhile, the theory and practice of industry regulation lag behind the European and American countries. The government regulation in western developed countries is changing from "government-market" framework to "government-market-society" framework. To some extent, the regulation is becoming more and more diversified. The beneficial experience of insurance regulation in western countries is mainly reflected in the following aspects: establish a financial legal system; establish a comprehensive, multi- level regulatory system; concern about the progress of information technology; regulat the behavior of insurance agents strictly; and improve the supervision and regulation of insurance mixed operation. This paper focuses on the absorption of the reasonable components of their experience, and strives to build in line with China's national conditions of the theoretical system of government regulation.
作者 李文锐
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期144-147,共4页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 北京市哲学社会科学研究基地课题“新常态下保险产业发展问题研究”(编号:15JDJGA080)
关键词 保险产业 规制 监管制度 国别研究 insurance industry, rule and regulation, supervisory system, country comparison
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