

Sustainability of Marine Ecosystem Production Under Multi-Stressors and Adaptive Management
摘要 本项目围绕"多重压力影响下近海生物地球化学过程对典型生态系统功能的作用机理"和"典型生态系统的资源可持续利用对多重压力的响应"这2个关键科学问题,针对多重压力对近海生态系统产出的影响进行深入的研究,提高预测的水平,为实现我国近海生态系统的可持续产出与适应性管理提供科学依据。项目选择东海陆架与山东半岛为研究对象,以生物地球化学过程与食物网的相互作用为主线,紧扣2个科学问题开展了以下3个方面的研究工作:多重压力对近海典型生态系统中生物地球化学循环的调控作用、东海陆架缺氧区生态系统的功能对多重压力的响应过程和近海典型增养殖区的食物生产对多重压力的适应性响应机制。通过项目的实施,提高了海洋生态系统多学科交叉与整合研究队伍的能力建设,进一步丰富和完善了近海生态系统数据系统和资料共享平台。 Sustainability of marine ecosystem production is im- pacted by multi-stressors, such as physical process, eu- trophication, over fishing, and aquaculture. The objec- tives of this project are to identify and characterize the interaction of marine biogeochemical cycles and marine ecosystem under the impacts of combined external forc- ings, and to understand the response of sustainability of typical marine ecosystems to muhi-stressors. The goal of this project is to improve understandings of impact of nmlti-stressors on the marine food production and im- prove the prediction on the prospect of sustainability of marine ecosystems. The research is implemented at sub- ecosystems in the East China Sea, Bohai and Yellow Sea, such as hypoxia zone off the Changjiang Estuary and aquacuhural sites in Shandong Peninsula. The major scientific questions to be addressed are: impact of multi- stressors on biogeochemical cycles in coastal ecosystems; response of the function of ecosystem in hypoxia zone of the East China Sea to multi-stressors; adaptive strategies of coastal aquacultural ecosystem with multi-stressors. Besides field observations on physical, chemical, and bi- ological properties of ecosystems in East China Sea, Changjiang Estuary, and the coastal area of Shandong Peninsula, historical data analyzing, numerical model- ling, and microcosm experiments as well were incorporat- ed to achieve the project goals.
出处 《中国基础科学》 2016年第6期1-8,共8页 China Basic Science
基金 973计划(2011CB409800)
关键词 生物地球化学 生态系统 东海 长江口莱州湾 桑沟湾 可持续食物产出 适应性管理 biogeochemistry ecosystem East ChinaSea Changjiang Estuary Laizhou Bay Sanggou Bay sustainable food production adaptive management
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