
小兴安岭铁力林业局冬季西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)的生境选择 被引量:8

Habitat selection by roe deer(Capreolus pygargus) over winter in the Tieli Forestry Bureau of the Lesser Xing'an Mountains
摘要 为了揭示西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)的生境选择倾向,本文在小兴安岭铁力林业局布设22条样线,每条样线长1.5 km左右,于2014年11月、2015年1月和12月沿着样线共设置西伯利亚狍的利用样方105个和对照样方68个,记录样方内15个生境因子特征。利用Bailey’s法判断西伯利亚狍对各生境因子的选择倾向,使用资源选择函数分析西伯利亚狍对生境因子的综合选择。结果表明,西伯利亚狍倾向选择的地形特征分别为海拔≤300 m或≥450 m、上坡位或坡度>4°;倾向选择的植被特征分别为农田或针叶林、林龄≤25 yr、郁闭度≥0.6、乔木数量≤15棵、乔木平均高<15 m、乔木平均胸径≤10 cm、灌木盖度≤0.3或草本盖度>0.2;倾向选择的食物特征为食物多;倾向选择的安全特征分别为能见度>50 m或雪深≤10 cm。影响西伯利亚狍生境综合选择的主要因子为坡向、坡度、植被类型、郁闭度、乔木数量、乔木平均高和能见度。铁力林业局西伯利亚狍喜欢农田、喜欢易于感知威胁并能够迅速逃跑的相对开阔的生境;地形特征、植被特征和安全特征是影响综合选择的主要生境特征。本研究提示,构建适宜农田林地空间配置的景观格局将成为景观尺度保护西伯利亚狍种群的途径。 Habitat selection by roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) was explored by using line-transect sampling in the Tieli Forestry Bureau of the Lesser Xing'an Mountains. A total of 22 line-transects, each of which was about 1.5 km long, were installed. Fifteen habitat factors were measured in 105 plots used by roe deer and 68 control plots, respectively, in November 2014, January and December 2015. Based on Bailey's method ana- lyzing the selectivity of roe deer using habitat factors, the result showed that in terms of topographic factors, roe deer preferred the habitats with altitude 〈 300 m or 〉_ 450 m, gradient 〉 4~or upper slope position; in terms of vegetation factors, roe deer preferred the farmland or coniferous forest, tree age 〈 25 yr, canopy closure 〉 0.6, number of trees 〈 15, average tree height 〈 15 m, average DBH 〈 10 cm, shrub coverage _〈 0.3 or herbage coverage 〉 0.2; in terms of food factors, roe deer preferred much food abundance; and in terms of safety factors, roe deer preferred visibility 〉 50 m or snow depth 〈 10 cm. The resource selection function revealed that the dominant factors influencing habitat selection by roe deer were aspect of slope, gradient, vegetation type, canopy closure, number of trees, average tree height and visibility. The roe deer in the Tieli Forestry Bureau preferred agriculture land and open habitat where they can quickly perceive danger and escape from other animals or humans. Those factors involving topography, vegetation, security predominantly determined their habitat selection. This research suggested protecting the roe deer population by constructing an optimal forest landscape pattern mixed with agriculture lands of a certain area percentage and spatial arrangement.
出处 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期401-408,共8页 Biodiversity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(41271201,41371198)
关键词 西伯利亚狍 小兴安岭 森林景观 生境选择 资源选择函数 能见度 roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) Lesser Xing'an Mountains forest landscape habitat selection resource selection fianction visibility
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